Solana: How to fix sb.AnchorUtils.loadEnv() wrong keyfile path?

Fixing invalid key file path in AnchorUtils.loadEnv()

The problem you are facing is due to a common bug in the AnchorUtils.loadEnv() function. In your case, the problem lies in the invalid path to the .key file.

Problem: Invalid key file path

When using sb.AnchorUtils.loadEnv(), this function loads environment variables and settings from a specified directory. However, you are passing a relative path as the path to the key file:

const { key pair, connection, program } = await sb.AnchorUtils.loadEnv('./target/deploy/');

The environment object will be searched for in the following directory structure:


|- .environment

|- ... (other files)

Note the dot (.) at the end of .env, which is invalid. It should be relative to the current working directory or a specified base directory.

Solution: Update the keyfile path

To resolve this issue, update the path to the keyfile to point directly to the key file:

const { keypair, connection, program } = await sb.AnchorUtils.loadEnv('./target/deploy/.env');

Make sure the .env file is in a properly specified relative path. In this case, you are already using ./target/deploy/, so the path should be correct.

Additional tips

  • Be careful when using absolute paths in production environments to avoid security issues.
  • Consider using environment variables directly instead of loading them from files:

const { keypair, connection } = await sb.AnchorUtils.loadEnv();

This approach eliminates the need for file paths and makes the code more secure.

Example use case

Here is a complete example showing how to solve this problem:

import { AnchorUtils } from 'anchor';

import sb from '@subql/sb';

import { anchorUtil } from './anchor-utils';

const accountAddress = 'your-account-address';

const secret = 'your-secret-word';

const networkName = 'main network';

// Set node URL, cluster name and network type

const nodeUrl = '

const clusterName = 'cluster-name';

const networkType = 'main network';

try {

// Load environment variables

const { keypair, connection } = await anchorUtil.loadEnv();

// Use loaded environment variables

const program = new sb.Program(network_name, node_address, cluster_name);

// Do something with the account and secret...

} catch (error) {



By following these steps and tips, you should be able to resolve the sb.AnchorUtils.loadEnv() issue and use the keystore path correctly.

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