Metamask: transaction error when sending Nexo with metamask

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to resolve a transaction error when sending Nexo with MetaMask:

Error: Transaction error sending Nexo with MetaMask

Sometimes you may encounter “Transaction Error” when trying to send Nexo from your MetaMask wallet to the HitBTC exchange. If this happens, don’t worry as it is an easy fix. In this article, we will walk you through the steps to resolve this issue and recover your funds.

Step 1: Verify your MetaMask account

Before attempting to send Nexo, make sure that:

  • You are logged in to your MetaMask wallet.
  • You have sufficient balance in your MetaMask account to cover any fees or commissions.
  • Liquidity is available for Nexo HitBTC exchange.

Step 2: Check your MetaMask settings

Make sure your MetaMask settings are set correctly:

  • Go to
    MetaMask Settings

    Metamask: transaction error when sending Nexo with metamask

    Wallets >
    MetaMask Wallet.

  • Check that the
    Allow Nexo Transactions field is enabled.
  • Make sure the
    Nexo network (e.g. Mainnet, Testnet) is selected.

Step 3: Review your MetaMask transaction history

Review your MetaMask transaction history to make sure that:

  • The last few transactions were successful and did not result in a “Transaction Error.”
  • You have not received any warnings or error messages for suspicious activity.
  • The wallet has not been compromised or frozen.

Step 4: Check HitBTC exchange fees

Nexo to HitBTC is available for download from HitBTC.

  • Go to
    HitBTC Exchange Settings >
    Fees to check the current fees for Nexo transactions.
  • Make sure you have sufficient balance in your MetaMask account and can cover the fees.

Step 5: Try a new transaction

Try sending Nexo from your MetaMask wallet again. If this resolves the issue, then:

  • You may need to contact HitBTC support to resolve any other issues or questions about their exchange fees.
  • Alternatively, you can try using another MetaMask wallet on different devices.

Additional Tips and Troubleshooting Steps

  • Please check your MetaMask settings and HitBTC exchange policies regularly for updates.
  • Consider resetting your MetaMask wallet or account if you have been experiencing repeated “Transaction Errors.
  • Please contact HitBTC support if the issue persists as they may have specific solutions or guidance for your situation.

If you follow these steps, you should be able to resolve the transaction error when sending Nexo with MetaMask and recover your funds. If you continue to experience issues, please feel free to ask for help or seek additional advice from online resources or HitBTC support.

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