Ethereum: What is the supply for Bitcoin Cash (BCH), how is supply being regulated? [duplicate]

I can provide you with an article on the ETHEREUM delivery Regulation and its impact on Bitcoin Cash (BCH). Please note that this article is a summary of information available until my last update in April 2023 and any changes or updates after that date may affect content.

Ethereum: Understanding the regulation of supplies for BTC

As part of the transition of Ethereum from evidence of work (Pow) to the Investigation Proof (POS), a significant change was implemented. In June 2022, Ethereum introduced the “half of hash speed” mechanism, which reduced the reward for a block of approximately 50% of every 210,000 blocks. This change is part of a greater strategy to increase the supply of new ether (ETH) and reduce motivation for miners to use their powerful extraction hardware.

What does this mean for bitcoin cash (BCH)?

Bitcoin Cash (BCH), a cryptocurrency that is distributed from Bitcoin (BTC), uses a similar algorithm of the POS consensus. However, its system remuneration system is designed otherwise. Regarding BCH supplies regulating, the mechanism at half the hash speed of BCH affects the overall delivery of the new BCH created.

How does the delivery regulate?

To understand how Ethereum regulates its delivery, consider some key points:

  • This reduction of mining rewards the motivation of miners for more efficient use of their resources and reducing energy consumption.

  • Since then, however, it continues to add new ETH through inflationary mechanisms such as the “Ether Balance reduction system” or by creating a new cryptocurrency (like BCH) and transmission of an existing ETH to this new coin.

  • BCH delivery regulation: The same mechanism in half hash hash is used for bitcoin cash. However, its total offer is also limited to 21 million. While Ethereum has not introduced any significant regulatory mechanisms such as inflation adjustments or ceiling to create a new BCH, the BCH Block Reward is designed to support the more efficient use of mining sources.

Key differences and consequences

The main difference between Ethereum and Bitcoin is that Ethereum allows the creation of a new cryptocurrency (like BCH) without a direct change in its overall delivery. This flexibility has significant consequences:

Mining shifting : Reducing mining rewards motivates miners to focus on more energy -efficient hardware, reducing total energy consumption.

Delivery Management

: For most cryptocurrencies, including bitcoin cash and newer, such as the Altcoins of Ethereum, the supply of supply regulation is designed to manage growth, support the efficiency or interests of the competition in balance.


Ethereum: What is the supply for Bitcoin Cash (BCH), how is supply being regulated? [duplicate]

The implementation of the basic half of the hash rate for the regulation of the supply of eThereum supplies for its regulation of supplies has significant consequences for crypto markets. Although this can reduce mining rewards for some cryptocurrencies, it also allows the creation of new coins such as Altcoins BCH and Ethereum, without direct influence on the overall offer of existing tokens. The dynamic nature of these systems allows them to adapt to changing market conditions and promote the effective use of resources.

Please note that this article is not investment advice. Before deciding to invest in cryptomen or other assets, always do a thorough research or consult a financial advisor.

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