Ethereum: Get data from Binance in Python

Extracting Ethereum data using Binance Socket Manager using Python

For a beginner in cryptocurrency trading, understanding how to extract data from the Ethereum network can be a difficult task. In this article, we will guide you through the stages of configuring the BinanceSocketManager library and extracting Ethereum market data.


Before diving into the code, make sure you have:

  • Python is installed on your computer.
  • Installed library binance (pip install binance-sdk)
  • Binance API account with a valid access token

Installing required libraries:

You can install the necessary libraries with pip:

pip install -U binance-sdk

BinanceSocketManager Setup:

BinanceSocketManager is used to establish a WebSocket connection with the Binance API. To use it, you need to create an instance of the Client class and pass your access token:

import asyncio

from binance import AsyncClient

Ethereum: Get data from Binance in Python

Replace with your Binance API access token


async def retrieve_ethermarket_data():

Create an instance of BinanceSocketManager

client = AsyncClient(access_token=access_token)

Define the WebSocket endpoint and callback function

async def on_message(data):

Process the incoming message (in this case we just print it)

print(f"Received data from Binance: {data}")

Subscribe to the Ethereum market data feed



Symbol of Ethereum (e.g. ETH/USDT)


Callback function for incoming processing messages


async def main():

await retrieve_ethermarket_data()

Start the asyncio event loop

What happens in this code:

  • We create an instance of AsyncClient using your Binance API access token.
  • We define a callback function on_message that will be executed when new data is received from Binance.
  • We subscribe to the data channel of the Ethereum market, the leading symbol (ETH) and the function callback (in this case on_message).
  • The line' starts the asyncio event loop.

What's next?

This code establishes a basic WebSocket connection with Binance and subscribes to the Ethereum market data channel. To get more detailed market data, such as order book, candlestick chart or number of API calls, you need to change the callback function accordingly. You can also explore other features such as price charts, technical indicators and more.

Tips and Variations:

  • For error handling, add try-except blocks around your code.
  • Usewhile Trueloop instead continuous execution.
  • Experiment with different callback functions to retrieve additional data or handle specific events.
  • Consider using other functions of thebinance-sdklibrary, such as getting prices from exchanges or analyzing market trends.


In this article, you learned how to use theBinanceSocketManager` library in Python to establish a WebSocket connection with Binance and receive Ethereum market data. With practice and research, you’ll be able to tailor your code to your specific needs and gain valuable insight into the Ethereum ecosystem.

ethereum separated


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