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Ethereum: Call Json -RPC failed – a problem resolving problems
As a developer of the Blockchain Ethereum, you are probably not foreign to the complexities that derive from the construction and maintenance of a robust and safe network. However, even the most experienced developers can encounter problems during integration with external services.
Recently, I encountered a problem in which my Ethereum-based application was encountered problems with a Json-RPC call. In particular, the Json_rpc_call
has failed to perform as expected. In this article, I will accompany you through the steps I made to diagnose and solve the problem.
The problem
To begin with, we establish what a Json-RPC call is. A Json-RPC call (JavaScript Object Request Analying) is a standard way for developers to interact with a blockchain network, such as Ethereum, using JavaScript applications. The Json_rpc_call
method allows you to send a Json object to the network and perform a specific transaction or function.
In my case, I am using the popular PHP library [php-etherscript] ( to interact with Ethereum. In particular, I am calling the method `eth_call
from the class ‘Ethereumconttract’, passing a Json object as a topic.
The error
When I tried to perform the json_rpc_call
, I found an error message indicating the interruption:
Error: json_rpc_call failed
At this point, it seemed like a simple problem with my code or the Ethereum network. However, I knew I had already correctly configured my Endpoint Blockchain and Json-RPC.
Problem resolution steps
To solve the problem, I followed these steps:
- Check the blockchain state: before trying to interact with the blockchain, I verified that it was in a completely loaded state by controlling any suspended transactions or data updates.
- Check the Documentation of the PHP library: thePhp-Etherscript ‘bookshop provides detailed documentation on how to use Json-RPC calls and other Ethereum features. I examined this documentation to make sure to use the correct syntax and parameters.
- Inspect the error message : after examining the error message, I noticed that it mentioned “not succeeded” instead of indicating a specific cause of the problem. This led me to investigate further and explore alternative solutions.
- Debug test of the PHP library: I used the [php-etherscript debugger] ( for inspect and passes through my code. Analyzing the call stack, I was able to identify a potential problem with the `
After conducting these problems resolution of the problems, I discovered that the problem was caused by an incorrect parameter that was passed to the `Eth_Call
method. In particular, I was going through a Jason object wrong as a topic when I actually expected a different format.
To solve this problem, I updated my code to correctly pass the Json object, which led to a correct execution of Json_rpc_call
In conclusion, meeting an error with a Json-RPC call to the Ethereum blockchain can be frustrating. However, following these problems resolution of problems and carefully checking the installation, it is possible to solve problems and continue building robust and safe applications.
I hope this article has been useful to solve your problem or provide insights for future reference. If you have further questions or doubts, don’t hesitate to ask!