Ethereum: How to wait until a delegate is called in an async method?

Waiting for a delegate call in an async method with C

and async/await

When writing asynchronous code, it is essential to manage the flow of execution to ensure thread safety and prevent blocking. One common challenge is waiting for specific delegate calls within an async method. In this article, we will explore how to achieve this in C#.

Problem: Blocking with async methods

In your example code snippet, you have an `asyncmethod inBackgroundService. Within that method, you need to wait until a condition is met before calling another delegate. Unfortunately, without proper synchronization, multiple tasks can run concurrently, leading to blocking.

private async Task MyMethod()


// ...

while (conditionMet)


await Task.Delay(100); // Simulating work


// The delegate call here

await delegateTask();


Solution: Using a Mutex

To resolve the deadlock, you can use a Mutexto synchronize access to the condition check. Here is an updated version of your code snippet:

private async Task MyMethod()


private readonly SemaphoreSlim mutex = new SemaphoreSlim(1, 1);

// ...

while (conditionMet)


await mutex.WaitOneAsync();



// Call the delegate here

await delegateTask();




mutex.ReleaseSemaphore(0, 1); // Release the semaphore when finished




In this example:

  • We create a SemaphoreSliminstance with a count of 1 and a release count of 1. This ensures that only one task can acquire the semaphore at a time.
  • In your condition-checking loop, we useWaitOneAsync()to wait for the semaphore to be released.
  • Once the semaphore is released, you can call the delegate.

Best Practices

To avoid potential problems:

  • Always release the semaphore when the condition check is performed, regardless of whether it is successful or not.
  • If you need to synchronize access to shared resources, use a lock instead ofSemaphoreSlim. However, be aware of deadlocks and use theawait Task.Delay()approach as shown above.

Example Usage

Here is an example of an implementation using async/await:

public class BackgroundService


private readonly SemaphoreSlim _lock = new SemaphoreSlim(1, 1);

public async Task MyMethod()


while (true)


await _lock.WaitAsync();



// Call the delegate here

await delegateTask();




_lock.Release(); // Release the lock when done




In this example, we have created a BackgroundServicewith a_locksemaphore. TheMyMethodmethod waits on the semaphore before calling the delegate, ensuring thread safety.

By using synchronization primitives likeSemaphoreSlim`, you can write more reliable and efficient asynchronous code that avoids deadlocks and other concurrency issues.



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