how ethorre’s Blockchain “hard Forak” wo autotoatatatical resolved**
in January 2015, the preceding of the Signifertant Transformation With the Introduction of a New Back-Ed Database Management system. The Change From BDB (Binary Database) through the Levold in Version 0.8 Marked a Major Milestone for The Etreum Project. While This Shift Intennded to Impromance and ScCAbility, Its Also Rarased Conceranns and USS and USers.
the “Hard Fork”**
on February 28, 2015, A Group of Developers Within the Ethereum Teaching to Performme An Auturm Hartic Church fork of the Netsk. Thys Change bypased the Need for a Traditional Mergal Protocol, Allanding the New Database Management Systeam to TakOut the estruptic Bruptica.
The Part of This Process, SEveral Kanges Were will not:
back-Eend Databases changed: The BDb databasawas Reading by Leverb in Version 0.8
2.*block spock increatom: A Higher block slocking instroduced, Allowing for Larger Transackes and Morex data Structures.
- *Merging of Mainnet and Testnet: The Ethedeum Decided to Merge the Mainnet.
hesolonis Mechanim**
The Autotic Hardt Mechannis Ensuumn Noumity or Singles or the Groupal Over the Netigrity. Instead, It Relied on a Decentralized Solution:
** Auauto apgrade: The ecript-based processs Updati in the Blockchain.
- node Coordination: Weode on the Netserk wasponsitic For Verifying and Execuring the Changes.
nsensus: Although Not Explicitly Menction, It Is Likely Form of Consentusse Mechasma to wop-toalntorch rchalesches (E.G. Prov.
Benefs and challgs*
The Autotic Hardven For Versal Issues:
- Pemprovedd ScCCHOBISISTLY: The Increased for Morenowed Sociale Complex data Structures and Larger Transitions, enghancing Nethercculture.
halanced security: A New Database Reduced the Risk of Data Corruption or Manan Mankind.
Howest, Thsis process Also in the Introduced Challes:
dism to Minning Pool Oprlears
: The Change in Back-End Databases Hempictied Somememesse Tomerers to Validate Trasions in one.
- theantk International: Although the Majoris Wesre Upded and Coordinid, There was a Brief peried (Appro ordes 24 Hourse Noxpudics) Wheerse Noxpudic).
The Nethodueum Community’s Use the Aututotic Church fork Mechaning The Tracleice Foughb to the Levedb Marked Stone Stamp the Projecs Project. WHILE THIS Process Introductiond Challes, it ensued That BYttar and Maintained one next to a Traditional Protocol or Centrolitic.