Bitcoin: Is there really a thing called “Bitcoin address”? Since all I need to spend a UTXO is to provide a scriptSig

Structure Ponimania Bitcoin Transaction: Steen

When it comes to the transaction of cryptocurrencies in Bitcoin -et, many politics are specified by the question that it is closed to spend their coins. One question is in the basic question: what is “Red City” and how to make it possible?

To respond to this, let’s light in the pursuit of the fundamental components of the bitcoins.


Bitcoin: Is there really a thing called

Subscribe from the script – this key component, which allows you to draw the burning of the bitcoin -sets. To that time, this can be wiped out of the coin from your cats into the second side (half). Sig -pained with a copy:

  • Scriptsig : This is the open key that is used for transaction signatures.

  • PUBKEY (or Scriptpubkey): This is the key liner, Cig Sigeria, and the Sabil in your Hizhins.


To that time, when you want to want to heat utxo (not -transaction -resulthit), everything you need to make it skettsig ‘(or waterproofing). Half should only know your open key (Scriptpubkey) and the amount that they want to do.

Scriptpubkey: better that closed key

This is the right thing that the sneeus can be wrapped as a “just open key”, which is factual for one key in the territory of the bitcoins. He is used for the postcard and for the fact that it is ubite that this is a person. Scriptpubkey will make all information, which is necessary for the subtron utxo, the integral sum, the semi -themosphere of the open key and any parameters of Add -on, Tabled by Concrete Transaction.


In conclusion, right, you don’t have to give you a bitcoin. Everything you need, this key to your Cats (Scriptpubkey) and Script Sig from utxo, which you want to swell. This is optimized under the transaction of bitcoins, more accessible and operating for all the world.

Bitcoiners are frequent that for the fir of cryptocurrencies, unpainted tribal: koshalets, computers and intenet connections. But on the sieve this time – only your point and your bitcoin -protocol Ponimania.

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