Ethereum: Unable to verify contracts on polygon Amoy testnet

Ethereum: You can’t verify contracts in Polygon Amoy Testnet

Ethereum: Unable to verify contracts on polygon Amoy testnet

As a developer, it is likely to have implemented contracts in several Ethereum test networks, including Polygon’s AMOY test. However, trying to verify your intelligent contracts, you find an error that prevents you from successfully validating your functionality. In this article, we will deepen the problem and provide steps to solve it.

Error details

The error message generally indicates that the Ethereum virtual machine (EVM) cannot validate the contract code for some reason. The exact error message may vary according to the specific implementation of Testnet and the contract.


Here are some possible solutions to help you solve the problem:

1. Verify the contract compilation options

Make sure the compilation options of your contract are correct, especially when using the --bin indicator. If the --bin option is established in a value that is not ‘route/a/contract bytecode, it can cause problems with the verification of the contract.


./amoy Testnet --bin Route/A/Your_contract_Bytecode -From your_account_address

2. Update the EVM compiler

Be sure to be using the latest version of the EVM compiler, since updates can sometimes solve known problems.

NPM Install-Save-Dev Ethereum-Jest @Ethersjs/React @4

oryarn add –dev ethereum-Jest @ethhersjs/react @4

3. Verify the incompatibilities of the version of Esters.js

If you are using a specific version of the Ethers.J Library, make sure it is compatible with its contract implementation.


const web3 = require ("@ethhersproject/web3");

See [Documentation Ethers.js] ( to obtain notes and compatibility updates.

4. Execute Testnet in purification mode

Try to execute the NET in purification mode to see if the problem solves:


const web3 = require ("@ethhersproject/web3");

const eters = new web3 ("

// Implement contract at Amoy Testnet

Const implementcontract = async () => {

attempt {

// Implement the contract code

constc contractaddress = alea ethhers.dployed ("yourcontractname");

// Verify the contract in Amoy Testnet using the purification mode

Wait contractaddress.verify ("Yourverificationcode");

} capt (error) {

Console.error (error);




5. Verify the contract code for syntax errors

Make sure your contract code is free of syntax errors, since they can prevent EVM from validating contracts.

6. Contact the support or communicate with the community

If none of the previous steps solves the problem, consider communicating with the communities of Ethereum and Amoy to get help or seek help from a qualified developer.

Following these problems of problem solving, you must identify and solve the problem that prevents your contract from verifying in the Polygon Testnet.

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